Archive for January 26th, 2011


Why Did They have To Do This?

for the life of me, i never could understand why bombers… well, bomb.

recently, there was a bus bombed in one of the busiest main roads in the Philippines.  5 dead and more than 10 are injured.  3 of those who died are in their early to mid 20’s.  5 lives extinguished just like that. 5 people who will never see their ambitions come into fruition.

and for what?  to make a statement?  to terrorize the city?  to let the government know that they are doing a shitty job?

isn’t it enough that this country is still a 3rd world country?  isn’t it enough that the unemployment rate is so high that some college graduates are opting to be domestic helpers in other countries rather than try and find work in their own country?  isn’t it enough that the Philippines is already in the watchlist of certain govenrments?

now, they have to go and do this?  ride a bus filled with unsuspecting people in the middle of the day.  leave a bomb.  get-off and detonate it from afar.  leaving people dead, a bus filled with traumatized people panicking to get out.

a survivor was crying while being interviewed.  telling her story about how she did not know what to do and how there was blood and body parts everywhere.  eventually, she jumped through the window that the bus driver destroyed.

an experienced cameraman, along with his partner (a reporter), saw the smoke-filled bus and stopped to see what was happening.  even they, who must have seen it all, could not hide the despair in their faces when asked to relay what they have seen and did the only thing they could do at a time like that.  help everyone they could to get to a hospital.

now, i know that what i am posting will not rewind time and bring back these 5 victims of those heartless bombers.  but i am hoping that this will help spread the word that sometimes there are people out there who are scarier than the boogeymen in our closets.


thanks to mmda via twitter



January 2011

dwell not in the past but learn from it

hits, punches, and kicks

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